Trying to determine where your ancestors came from, once you have an Italian birth certificate in your hands, you will see it shows the place of birth.
It usually is the adress of their family home, since they didn't go to the hospital to give birth to their child.
To find baptisme information, you need to know in which church the family did it. This is not easy, when you live far away, and even if you live in the same town!
I strongly reccomend you to visit your Arcidiocesi's web site, since it usually list all the churches in the area, and how long they've been active as a parish.
Personally, I'm happy with Genova's Arcidiocesi: their site is detailed, and all churches have adresses and telephone numbers. Some of them also have pictures, or email adresses to the parisher!
There also is which covers some part of Piedmont, and is about the area around Acqui.
Of course there is plenty of them, covering Italy, but those are the ones I know personnally.
Before trying to find a church on the Yellow Pages, perhaps you better try those sites!
Lineage Journeys Celebrates 9th Blogiversary
1 settimana fa
Hi Stefania,
RispondiEliminaI am so happy to see your blog about Italian genealogy! I'm just starting with Italian genealogy. I've been doing genealogy for about 20 years, and speak, ok, spoke, Italian c'era una volta, pretty well a long time ago, so I thought I should combine the two. I'm very interested in what you have to say. Keep up the good work!
Welcome to the Geneabloggers family. Hope you find the association fruitful; I sure do. I have found it most stimulating, especially some of the Daily Themes.
RispondiEliminaMay you keep sharing your ancestor stories!
Dr. Bill ;-)
Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
and "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"
Ciao, mi chiamo Astrid e sono mezza norvegese e mezza italiana... pero nata nei Stati Uniti. Mi fa piacere vedere tuo blog qui. Studiare la genealogia norvegese e molto piu facile, ma vorrei scoprire di piu sulla mia famiglia italiana. Saluti e benvenuta.